Strengthening the connections between the Alerce Andino National Park and the nearby communities

01 septiembre, 2021

Several workshops have been developed to learn more about the ecosystem of this National Park. The aim is to promote a sense of belonging and share knowledge around this conservation area.

These workshops, both online and in-person, were led by professionals from Patagua, experts on environmental water management. Both had active participation from local communities, with 17 attendees in the online event and 13 in person.

These activities are part of the Community Outreach Program from Fundación Rewilding Chile, formerly known as Tompkins Conservation Chile, in collaboration with Corporación Nacional Forestal (CONAF, the Chilean National Forest Service). The program’s objective is to create a culture of parks with the communities from the Route of Parks of Patagonia, fostering a sense of pride and belonging with local ecosystems.

Part of a series, these events follow two previous workshops on National Park Alerce Andino’s Ecosystem and Avifauna led by the naturalist and co-founder of Birds Chile, Raffaele Di Biase. On that occasion, the community shared local knowledge and learned more about the abundant biodiversity in the area. 

In the upcoming weeks, new workshops will take place on the importance of citizen participation in national parks management and protection.


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